Results for 'Ángel Eugenio Tovar'

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  1.  26
    No need to forget, just keep the balance: Hebbian neural networks for statistical learning.Ángel Eugenio Tovar & Gert Westermann - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105176.
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    From altered synaptic plasticity to atypical learning: A computational model of Down syndrome.Ángel Eugenio Tovar, Gert Westermann & Alvaro Torres - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):15-24.
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    A Neurocomputational Approach to Trained and Transitive Relations in Equivalence Classes.Ángel E. Tovar & Gert Westermann - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Eugenio Imaz.Eugenio Imaz & Josâe Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1988 - San Sebastián, Spain: Cuadernos Universitarios (E.U.T.G.--Mundaiz). Edited by Ascunce Arrieta & José Angel.
    1. Le fe por la palabra -- 2. Topía y Utopía -- 3. Luz en la caverna.
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    Participatory organic certification in Mexico: an alternative approach to maintaining the integrity of the organic label. [REVIEW]Erin Nelson, Laura Gómez Tovar, Rita Schwentesius Rindermann & Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (2):227-237.
    Over the past two decades the growth of the organic sector has been accompanied by a shift away from first party, or peer review, systems of certification and towards third party certification, in which a disinterested party is responsible for the development of organic standards and the verification of producer compliance. This paper explores some of the limitations of the third party certification model and presents the case of Mexico as an example of how an alternative form of participatory certification (...)
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    BRYANT, T., Homecoming. Los Angeles: TarcherPerigee / Penguin Group, 2022.Eugénio Lopes - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (1):149-153.
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  7. González Alvarez, Angel: "manual De Historia De La Filosofía".Eugenio Frutos & Staff - 1957 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 16 (63):603.
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  8. Saber y ser en el pensamiento de Angel Vassallo.Eugenio Pucciarelli - 1975 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 15 (22/23):247.
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    Los ángeles de las Iglesias.Eugenio Romero-Pose - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (1):119-136.
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    Topías y utopías de Eugenio Imaz: historia de un exilio.José Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1991 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
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  11. Topías y utopías de Eugenio Imaz: historia de un exilio.Ascunce Arrieta & José Angel - 1991 - Barcelona: Anthropos, Editorial del Hombre.
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    Sentido y función del intelectual en el pensamiento de Eugenio Imaz.José Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1993 - Isegoría 7:165-172.
  13. Comentario a las obras de Eugenio Trías.Miguel Ángel Quintanilla Fisac - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):119-130.
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  14. Bank Cases, Stakes and Normative Facts.Ángel Pinillos - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
  15. Experimental Evidence in Support of Anti-Intellectualism About Knowledge.Ángel Pinillos & Shawn Simpson - 2014 - In James R. Beebe, Advances in Experimental Epistemology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 9-44.
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    Pronatalism, Geneticism, and ART.Angel Petropanagos - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (1):119-147.
    In this essay, I argue that pronatalism—a social bias in favor of gestational motherhood—and geneticism—a social bias in favor of genetic motherhood—are conceptually and operationally distinct social forces that influence some women's reproductive decision making. Each of these social forces shapes the reproductive landscape, relates differently to women's identities, and causes different social stigmatization and harm. Pronatalism and geneticism warrant feminist concern because they can compromise some women's reproductive autonomy and well-being. I suggest that combating pronatalism and geneticism will require (...)
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    How emotions are perceived.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9433-9461.
    This paper claims that we have direct and complete perceptual access to other people’s emotions in their bodily and behavioural expression. The claim is understood, not by analogy with the perception of three-dimensional objects or physical processes, but as a form of Gestalt perception. In addition, talk of direct perceptual access to others’ emotions is shown not to entail a behaviourist view of mind; and talk of complete perceptual access is shown to include both the phenomenological character and the dispositional (...)
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    La verdad del cuerpo. Heidegger y la ambigüedad de lo corporal.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 61:125-144.
    Ampliamente conocidos son los señalamientos realizados en Ser y tiempo por Martin Heidegger en torno al contraste entre la corporalidad pensada modernamente con base en una mezcla de cuerpo-alma, de raigambre cartesiana, y la corporalidad existenciaria a partir del Ser-en-el-mundo del Dasein. Después de ello y con pocas alusiones en algunas de sus lecciones, la tematización mayor en torno al cuerpo se remonta a los Seminarios de Zollikon. El presente artículo busca nuevas vías de tematización a partir de lo que (...)
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  19. Experiments on Contextualism and Interest Relative Invariantism.Ángel Pinillos - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma, Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 349-358.
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    Protoalgebraic Gentzen systems and the cut rule.Àngel J. Gil & Jordi Rebagliato - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):53-89.
    In this paper we show that, in Gentzen systems, there is a close relation between two of the main characters in algebraic logic and proof theory respectively: protoalgebraicity and the cut rule. We give certain conditions under which a Gentzen system is protoalgebraic if and only if it possesses the cut rule. To obtain this equivalence, we limit our discussion to what we call regular sequent calculi, which are those comprising some of the structural rules and some logical rules, in (...)
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    How to Build a Conscious Machine.Leonard Angel - 1989 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
  22. Ontología social y derechos humanos en John R. Searle.Ángel Manuel Faerna - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (2):115-139.
    Este artículo se opone a la tesis recientemente sostenida por John Searle según la cual no existen los derechos humanos positivos. Argumentamos que la existencia de dichos derechos no es contradictoria, como pretende Searle, con las nociones de "derecho" y"derechos humanos" definidas en su ontología social. Por consiguiente, es posible aceptar la ontología social de Searle y afirmar al mismo tiempo que los derechos humanos positivos existen. En segundo lugar, ofrecemos razones para cuestionar la supuesta prioridad lógica de una ontología (...)
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    “Strong Black Women”: African American Women with Disabilities, Intersecting Identities, and Inequality.Angel Love Miles - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (1):41-63.
    In a mixed-methods study of the barriers and facilitators to homeownership for African American women with physical disabilities, self-concept emerged among the primary themes. This article discusses how participants in the study perceived themselves and negotiated how they were perceived by others as multiply marginalized women. Using what I call a feminist intersectional disability framework, I suggest that participants’ relationships to care strongly contributed to their self-concept. The “Strong Black Woman” trope and associated expectations had cultural and material relevance for (...)
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    A Strong Completeness Theorem for the Gentzen systems associated with finite algebras.Àngel J. Gil, Jordi Rebagliato & Ventura Verdú - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):9-36.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we study consequence relations on the set of many sided sequents over a propositional language. We deal with the consequence relations axiomatized by the sequent calculi defined in [2] and associated with arbitrary finite algebras. These consequence relations are examples of what we call Gentzen systems. We define a semantics for these systems and prove a Strong Completeness Theorem, which is an extension of the Completeness Theorem for provable sequents stated in [2]. For the special case (...)
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    Spain from a Girardian Perspective.Ángel J. Barahona Plaza - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):137-157.
    The history of Spain in the 20th and 21st century provides us with many examples of mimetic rivalry: the permanent conflict between peoples who inhabit a common territory, seeking their identity through the affirmation of differences. In the never-ending reciprocities that occur throughout the decades, with ferocious feuding between the left and right wings, and disputes between nationalities, we appreciate how the Girardian theses shine some light on conflictive and at times bloody relationships that would be difficult to understand without (...)
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  26. Application of cross polarisation techniques to dynamic nuclear polarisation dissolution experiments.Angel Joaquin Pérez Linde - 2009 - In David Papineau, Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    ¿Por qué Heidegger lleva a cabo una rehabilitación de la phrónesis aristotélica?Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):117-133.
    For three decades Franco Volpi’s thesis concerning the Aristotelianism of Heidegger has been grounds for investigation. Nevertheless, it has remained pending until now the task of delving deeply into the motives for which Heidegger would measure his strength against the great philosopher Aristotle. This paper is a contribution to this line of investigation into the preoccupations of the young Heidegger in his first lessons in Freiburg, especially in the post-war semester of 1919, as well as the discussions he sustained with (...)
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    La independencia de la teoria moral en Descartes.Àngel Puyol - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:413.
  29. Explanation and prediction: A plea for reason.R. B. Angel - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (3):276-282.
    Anyone, today, with even a slight interest in the methodology of science will be aware of the heated debate which has raged in regard to the thesis of the logical symmetry between explanation and prediction, which is entailed by the hypotheticodeductive account of scientific theory. The symmetry thesis, which received its classical exposition in a well-known article by Hempel and Oppenheim [2], has been subject to a steadily growing criticism by several eminent thinkers. My intention, in this article, is to (...)
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    Concepto, fundamentos y evolución de los derechos fundamentales.Ángel Luis Sánchez Marín - 2014 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 55:227-237.
    La terminología más exacta para hablar de los derechos del hombre, es la de ser «fundamentales», porque afectan a las dimensiones más básicas del ser humano y,por ello mismo, tienen que ser protegidos y garantizados por los poderes públicos. Se trata de derechos públicos subjetivos que son universales, imprescriptibles, irrenunciables e inalienables. Tienen límites filosóficos, de naturaleza sociológica o por razón de su finalidad. Poseen un fundamento iusnaturalista y no meramente positivista. Las primeras declaraciones de derechos fundamentales universales no aparecen (...)
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    Republicanismo y neo-republicanismo.Ángel Rivero - 2005 - Isegoría 33:5-17.
    A finales del siglo veinte la historiografía acuñó el concepto de republicanismo para definir la ideología que había sustentado la revolución americana. Posteriormente el concepto fue apropiado normativamente por la filosofía política y se presentó como una alternativa a la hegemonía del liberalismo. En el primer caso se señaló una continuidad entre la tradición republicana de pensamiento político y la ideología revolucionaria. En el segundo caso, lo que se intentó fue una exhumación de temas republicanos para formar una nueva ideología. (...)
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    Intentional ontology. Heidegger and the transformation of Husserlian phenomenology.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):27-42.
    lntentional ontology. Heidegger and the transformation of Husserlian phenomenology. The article will look inside in what Heidegger said in his first course in Marburgo about the issue of intentionality as the basis for a “fundamental ontological investigation.” Through the first Heidegger’s lessons, especially Freiburg, aspects of the Husserl’s idea of intentionality who suffered a hermeneutic appropriation by Heidegger, will be deployed. The text will focus on the relationship between Husserl’s intentionality and categorial intuition in order to interpret them through the (...)
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  33. Ethical reflections on vaccines using cells from aborted fetuses.Very Rev Angel Rodríguez Luño - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (3):453-460.
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  34. Contested psychiatric ontology and feminist critique.Katherine Angel - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (4):3-24.
    In this article I discuss the emergence of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) within American psychiatry and beyond in the postwar period, setting out what I believe to be important and suggestive questions neglected in existing scholarship. Tracing the nomenclature within successive editions of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( DSM), I consider the reification of the term ‘FSD’, and the activism and scholarship that the rise of the category has occasioned. I suggest that analysis of FSD benefits (...)
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    Rorty and Dewey on Warrant.Ángel M. Faerna - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (1):15-26.
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    On Norms and Social Practices: Brandom, Dewey, and the Demarcation Question.Ángel M. Faerna - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (3):360.
    I discuss Robert Brandom’s contention that his “analytic” or “linguistic” pragmatism is, as his book Perspectives on Pragmatism: Classical, Recent, and Contemporary argues, a “way forward from the ideas of American pragmatists.” In this connection, I compare Brandom’s and Dewey’s answers to the demarcation question (how are linguistic practices distinguished from nonlinguistic ones) in order to show that Brandom’s linguistic “exceptionalism” departs from one fundamental contribution of the pragmatic tradition, namely the idea that discursive normativity emerges from previous, already linguistic (...)
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  37. 1. introduction.Angel Pinillos - manuscript
    In A Puzzle About Belief, Saul Kripke tells the story of a person caught in a classic Frege case. Peter is unaware that Paderewski the famous Polish politician, and Paderewski the famous Polish musician, are one and the same person. What is supposed to distinguish this Frege case from many others is that Peter associates a single name, 'Paderewski' with both of his conceptions. But not everyone may agree with this description. Richard Larson and Peter Ludlow, and Robert Fiengo and (...)
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    Nella tempesta, Dio. Sul dolore, tra Biblia e Filosofía.Ángel Jorge Barahona Plaza - 2023 - Relectiones 10:161-164.
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    Michel Henry et l’affectivité comme fondement de la psychè.Angel Alvarado Cabellos - 2013 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 4:185-204.
    Cette étude met en confrontation Michel Henry avec Paul Ricoeur sur la question de la lecture de S. Freud. Il y est donc question de la psyché et de l’affectivité. L’auteur de l’étude rappelle combien le projet de la rationalité contemporaine conjoint des thèses philosophiques sur le statut du sujet et sur celui des schèmes perceptifs de la conscience, au gré d’une relation complexe entre l’étant et le phénomène. L’auteur rappelle les analyses husserliennes relatives à la psyché entendue comme « (...)
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    El matrimonio cristiano en Clemente de Alejandría desde la antropología filosófica.Ángel Gerónimo Llopis & Laura García Garcés - 2019 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 22 (44):93-118.
    Clemente de Alejandría fundó la filosofía cristiana demostrando que fe y filosofía son verdaderamente complementarias. Nacido a mediados del siglo II, inauguró la convergencia y alianza entre el cristianismo y la cultura griega. Sus obras poseen un valor inestimable dentro de la literatura eclesiástica y de la filosofía cristiana de los primeros siglos de la Iglesia. El presente estudio aborda desde la antropología filosófica el pensamiento de Clemente de Alejandría sobre el matrimonio cristiano. Es cierto que el matrimonio no constituye (...)
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    Filosofía de la educación.Angel González Alvarez - 1963 - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
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  42. Las dos dimensiones de la existencia en la Filosofía existencial.Angel GonzÁlez Alvarez - 1945 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 4 (13):255.
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    Política educativa y escolaridad obligatoria.Angel González Alvarez - 1975
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Aristóteles.Ángel Alvarado, Úrsula Carrión, Juan Carlos Díaz, Cristina Hinojosa, José Carlos Loyola, Erich Daniel Luna, Eduardo Llosa, Claudia Maldonado, Elvis Mejía, Rafael Moreno Moreno, Vanessa Navarro, Gerardo Perla, Arturo Rivas, Manuel Seifert, Omar Valencia, Ruth Zea & Raúl Zegarra - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6.
    "El repertorio bibliográfico no presenta resumen".
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  45. Tomás de Aquino y las tres esferas del espíritu.Angel GonzÁlez Alvarez - 1978 - Sapientia 33 (28):87.
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  46. Am I a computer?Leonard Angel - 1994 - In Eric Dietrich, Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons: Essays on the Intentionality of Machines. Academic Press.
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  47. BLEICHMAR Daniela, Paula De Vos, Kirstin Huffine and Kevin Sheehan.Del Moral Jose Angel & Analogıay Multiculturalismo’ Hermeneutica - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (3):649-652.
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  48. Bergson y la filosofía clásica..Villegas Angel & Camilo[From Old Catalog] - 1929 - [Bogotá]: Tip. Mogollón.
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    Compositional science and religious philosophy.Leonard Angel - 2005 - Religious Studies 41 (2):125-143.
    Religious thought often assumes that the principle of physical causal completeness (PCC) is false. But those who explicitly deny or doubt PCC, including William Alston, W. D. Hart, Tim Crane, Paul Moser and David Yandell, Charles Taliaferro, Keith Yandell, Dallas Willard, William Vallicella, Frank Dilley, and, recently, David Chalmers, have ignored not only the explicit but also the implicit grounds for acceptance of PCC. I review the explicit grounds, and extend the hitherto implicit grounds, which together constitute a greater challenge (...)
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    Glottopolitics in the Balkans during the twentieth century.Angel G. Angelov - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (3):411-417.
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